Cannabis Growth Hormone - Roots & Flower Growth

During the life cycle of plants, almost all aspects of their activity, growth, and development are controlled by these organic chemicals naturally produced by plants, which we call plant hormones.

These plant hormones not only regulate plant morphology and metabolism but also determine how plants respond to environmental factors such as weather conditions, stress, and physical damage caused by pests or pathogens. In this post, we will talk about the most common plant hormones, their effects on plants, and some of the ways that gardeners can exploit the great potential of natural plant hormones for their own benefit.

Hormones can be known as natural organic chemical signals produced by an organism that controls the way its cells function. These hormones are usually synthesized in minimal amounts by individual cells in one part of the organism and then transported to where they work.

How to use cannabis plant hormones

Plant hormones are used differently from nutrients. Instead, they should be used deliberately and only when specific situations or near stages of growth occur.

Seed Germination Stage

For gibberellin, it will be helpful to plants if used in excess, but low concentrations of gibberellin may be very beneficial. 

Vegetative period

Gibberellin also acts on plants after germination. Early flowering can be promoted by the use of gibberellin after the seedling stage. If you use 10 to 200 PPM, male flowers will start to form, while female flowers need 200 to 300 PPM to appear early. However, apply more than 600 PPM will have the opposite effect and hinder flower development.

Use of auxins such as indoleacetic acid (or "IAA") helps to increase the size of the plant, increase root growth, and generally stimulate growth, sometimes even late enough into the growing season.

Fulvic acid is not a hormone by itself, but when applied to plant leaves, it can enhance the transport of plant growth hormones & nutrients. Because it penetrates cell walls, it usually helps the uptake of plant hormones.

For cytokinin, Kinetin is the most commonly used cytokinin. It can be applied to plants at the vegetative stage to assist cell division, the development of new growth (e.g., buds, branches, and buds), causing the expansion of leaf cells to swell, etc. On spray it on plants and promote better growth and higher yields later.

Bloom Stage
By diluting ethylene, it increases the yield of female flowers. Do this before flowering, but before the end of the plant growth phase. Any synthetic form of ethylene that comes into contact with the plant itself will soon be converted into actual ethylene.

Gibberellin can also be used on cannabis plants during flowering to help with potential frost damage when the buds bloom.



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