
目前显示的是标签为“grey mold”的博文

Gray Mold: How to Identify, Control, and Prevent Botrytis

Grey Mold is caused by the infection of botrytis cinerea , is a fungal disease, Botrytis cinerea is a common and difficult to prevent and control fungal disease, crops infected botrytis cinerea, will become soft rot, collapse, the final disease seedlings rot blight died, so we must timely take scientific and reasonable methods to prevent and control botrytis cinerea.  Common grey mold diseases of crops are strawberry grey mold, tomato grey mold, cucumber grey mold, grape grey mold, pepper grey mold. 1.  Cause of Grey Mold Diseases Cold and rainy in spring, high humidity in the greenhouse Low temperature and high humidity is an important reason for the occurrence of Botrytis cinerea of tomato. The optimum temperature for the development of botrytis cinerea is 16-23 ℃, and the temperature above 25℃ is not conducive to the spread of the disease. Diseases are easy to occur and prevail when relative humidity is maintained above 90%. The ultraviolet ray...