Benefits of Humic Acid As a Soil Conditioner

The usage of humic acid in gardening is a relatively new idea, and it is not much popular yet in the gardening world. Also, only professional people seem to use it so far. Humic acid is also available only through the internet and the direct mail outlets so far.
humic acid

However, research shows that humic acid has excellent benefits for all types of plants and soil conditions so far. The acid is a combination of humic and folic acids. It is normally found in decomposed plants and animals. So, it provides a great source of nutrition to the soil and the plants. It improves the quality of the soil to a great extent, and even the deficient soils seem to grow plants well. The acid is introduced to clay or soil directly and breaks their composition up. It also allows air, moisture, and water to pass through the soil. So, the root penetration is higher among soil conditions that are rich in the acid.

The acid also plays a critical role when it comes to the plants absorbing the nutrients. It unlocks the nutrients from the soil and makes them readily available for the roots of the plants to absorb. It also stimulates the microbial activity and makes sure the microbes enrich the soil condition further. However, several people confuse this acid with fertilizers. The difference is that this acid is something that would naturally occur in the soil, and it is not human-made. So, humic acid can perform many more complicated activities and promote the soil much more than a fertilizer can.



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