What Farmers Need to Know About Hemp Growth

Hemp is very sensitive to the soil environment. No matter what kind of soil is used to grow hemp, we should pay attention to farming measures and a large number of organic fertilizers to achieve high and stable yields. Improving soil conditions is also very important for root growth.

The mineral nutrients you need from the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, etc.

Obtain non-mineral elements from air and water: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc .;

Industrial hemp requires soil pH: at least 6;

Characteristics of Cannabis Growth

  • Highly insect-resistant;
  • Good cold resistance;
  • Deep roots help protect the soil;
  • There is basically no dense growth characteristics of weeds;
  • It has a higher vitality than other fiber crops.

Specific Steps for Growing Cannabis

Hemp is a crop that needs more fertilizer. It requires three elements: N, P, and K: N has the most elements, K has the second element, and P has the least. N fertilizer plays a major role in increasing hemp production. NP or NK fertilizers are better than single nitrogen fertilizers, while nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers are better at increasing yield.

Proper application of trace elements can also improve the yield and quality of cannabis. Borax, manganese fertilizer, and zinc fertilizer or boron + manganese + zinc fertilizer can be added to peat soil and black soil to increase seed and stem fiber. The application of copper fertilizer on peat soil can increase the percentage of long fibers. Sodium can partially replace potassium, which has a good effect on improving the yield and quality of fiber.


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