How do you grow banana trees? High yield banana planting technique

Banana is one of the most common fruits in daily life. But the way of high yield has always been the pursuit of the vast majority of banana farmers, so how to grow the banana trees to achieve high yield? Read this article to give you some about banana production technology so that you can get a higher return.

banana seedling

Attentions for Banana Growth

1. Banana trees are more like hot and humid weather, the requirements of the soil of planting banana trees, deep soil layer, loose soil, good drainage, this type of soil will be more suitable for the growth of banana trees. Banana trees need water more, according to the natural rainfall is calculated every 100 mm of rain per month, the growth temperature is good is about 20-35 degrees, the lowest temperature can not be less than 15 degrees, when the temperature drops to 5 degrees, will make the banana trees appear yellow, fruit at about 12 degrees will be frostbite.

2. Planting time: when planting banana seedlings, the temperature is best at about 14-16 degrees, about every April to May. but there are exceptions, it depends on your banana seedlings growth rate.

Planting density: the normal planting density is to plant about 120-130 plants per mu (this is a single plant planting), for cluster planting method can be planted about 180-260 plants per mu, these two ways depending on how you choose.

Planting method: before planting you need to check the situation of banana seedlings, remove the diseased leaves, and little pointed bud, after planting to cover the soil, more water.

Fertilization Management for Banana Tree

The fertilization of bananas in different periods had different, potash fertilizer is banana needs most, because potash fertilizer can make the fruit that banana gives birth to is big and full again, but the proportion of potash fertilizer wants to be able to increase fertilizer proportion slowly after banana begins to bear fruit. 

In the early stage, the proportion of phosphorus fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer should be used to make the banana have a better growth space. In this way, the yield of the banana in the later stage will naturally be high.

The banana needs to be applied to large quantities of fertilizers in the growing fruit period, which needs to use high potassium type and a large number of elements of water-soluble fertilizer. 

In addition, apply some rooting fertilizer according to the situation, in the fruit expansion period to play some banana calcium fertilizer and potash fertilizer, ensure the quality of the fruit, do not crack. Still have a bit, it is flowering period compensatory a few borax fertilizer, zinc fertilizer will protect flower to protect fruit, raise setting fruit rate.



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