Microbial Fertilizer Application in Sustainable Agriculture

Why microbial fertilizers are getting a lot of attention?

Background: China, a country that feeds 22% of the world's population with 7% of the world's arable land, not only thanks to the birth of high-yielding rice, fertilizer has also played a role in the development of agriculture, but the overuse of chemical fertilizers in the development of agriculture has also brought a series of soil and environmental problems.

For example, soil slackening, acidification, eutrophication of water bodies, and various soil-borne diseases seriously threaten the quality and yield of crops. The way forward for agricultural workers is to improve the soil and ensure its sustainable development.

In recent years, with the attention to agriculture, research and development of new fertilizers, microbial fertilizers have become the first choice of the vast number of planting friends to improve the soil and ensure the quality of the crop, so what exactly is the good of microbial fertilizers, what role does he have?

First, let's learn together what microbial fertilizers are?

Microbial fertilizers, also known as biofertilizers, fungal fertilizers, etc., refer to a class of fertilizer products that have a specific fertilizer effect on crops by focusing on the life activities of microbes.

What are the effects and advantages of microbial fertilizers, which have a better impact on plant growth and development than traditional fertilizers, with the addition of multiple microorganisms?

1, Microbial fertilizer contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms, can activate the soil, increase the soil grain structure, make the soil structure is stable, conducive to crop growth. Highly active organisms can multiply rapidly in the soil, their life activity leaves many microscopic channels in the soil, can improve the permeability and permeability of the soil, so that the nutrients in the soil are not easily lost, ensure soil fertility, while activating the soil, increasing soil porosity and improving soil clumping.

2, The beneficial microorganisms in microbial fertilizer, a wide variety of species, in the soil can form an antagonistic effect with harmful microorganisms, inhibit the reproduction of harmful pathogenic bacteria, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. It will reduce the use of pesticides, reduce agricultural residues, and reduce soil pollution.

3, Due to the perennial use of fertilizers, the soil has accumulated a lot of nutrients that have not been absorbed by plants, for example, up to 95% of the trace elements exist in the insoluble state of film and television, challenging to be absorbed by crops. The metabolites produced by microorganisms through life activities contain a large number of organic acids, which can be converted into substances in the soil that are difficult to be absorbed by plants, improve the utilization of nutrients and increase the fertilization capacity of the soil.

4, According to the functional characteristics of different strains of bacteria, it can be known that some beneficial microorganisms can use soil nutrients through life activities and secondary metabolites to produce a large amount of growth-promoting substances. Such as growth hormone, erythromycin, abscisic acid, etc., can be achieved to improve the quality of the fruit, flower, and fruit preservation, increase yield, and income purposes.

5, Through the recent research on strain characteristics and living conditions, it can better protect the strain activity, improve the vitality of the strain in the soil. To ensure that microorganisms can survive in the soil for a long time and to achieve the goal of the longevity of microbial fertilizers. Bacillus Coli and Bacillus giantus, for example, can use airborne nitrogen while releasing phosphorus and potassium from degraded soils to provide nutrients to the crop continuously.

6, Improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, improve the quality of agricultural products, in our country, farmers use an organic fertilizer is mainly based on animal manure. Still, most farmers use manure and do not go through a perfect fermentation system for fermentation and maturation. Harmful microorganisms occupy a large proportion.

Most of the nutrients can not be directly absorbed by the plant to use, but in line with national standards of microbial fertilizer, organic matter, and after complete maturation and fermentation, while adding antibacterial strains and promote the growth and development of crops, more conducive to the role of microbes, fertilizer utilization rate, more conducive to improve the quality and yield of agricultural products.

7, Microbial fertilizer has a good rooting effect, conducive to crop growth. The microorganisms in microbial fertilizers can grow and multiply in the soil and produce various biological enzymes and natural hormones in the course of life activities, which promote root growth and development and root absorption of nutrients.

8. Reduce soil nutrient fixation. The overuse of physical fertilizers such as pre-crop fertilizers leads to the accumulation and deposition of many substances in the soil that are not absorbed by the crop. Some of the newly applied fertilizer is also not absorbed by the crop. Microbial fertilizers contain many organic acids and other hydroxyl groups that have the strong chelating capacity, forming chelates with many of the nutrients required by plants, reducing soil fixation of nutrients.

9. Improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The beneficial microbial bacteria in microbial fertilizers can effectively decompose plant and animal residues, form soil humus, improve soil fertility, and at the same time after the beneficial microorganisms enter the soil, they will produce a large number of secondary metabolites, extracellular polysaccharides, and other organic growth materials, these products can promote the formation of soil granule structure, make the soil lax, improve water retention and fertility, and then improve the soil.

In the premise of ensuring food and nutrition, not only the pursuit of quality, more attention to food safety, farmers friends have a deeper understanding of the soil problem and understanding, so how can we lose weight and reduce the drug at the same time to ensure the quality and yield of agricultural products? The first thing to solve is the soil problem, planting first, roots first, roots first, land first, land first to replenish bacteria. Only by solving soil problems and improving the health of the soil can agriculture be a long-term path to sustainable development.



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