PGA in Seed dressing


The water solution of PGA has better moisture-holding and releasing ability and is more effective in fighting a drought and keeping a full stand of seedings.

Mixing PGA,with seeds dressing and using water saturated PGA,as antistaling material,will increase the germination percentage of the seeds,and prolonge the freshness-keeping period of cutting flower.

PGA can increase photosynthesis, increase fruit pigment accumulation,  make crops bright in color.

In soil water swellable ventilation without being dissolved, so that the seeds germinate properly, so the slow release of pesticides and fertilizers, having to kill soil pests, prevent seed germs, improve seed germination rate, reduce the amount of seed use, improved crop varieties. Seed close to the seed, the drug concentration, high efficiency, and thus save more than spray, soil treatment method of drug administration, labor, save species.



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