Rose ,so romantic and lovely.It is really a pleasure to plant roses.Today when you come to your beloved rose bushes, you are surprised to find that your lovely roses are covered by a dusting of white powder on buds,stems and leaves.These white powder makes your roses,once beautiful and heathy,look sick and ugly.Turns out that your roses have powdery mildew. powdery mildew on rose What is Rose powdery mildew? Rose powdery mildew is a fungal disease.The fungus produces spores which are spread by the wind.Fortunely,it’s very easy to figure out that whether your roses have powdery.If your roses have powdery mildew,you would find out white or grey powdery spots on the buds,leaves, stems or even.When the disease is mild,the growth of rose would be weakened, the young leaves are distorted and deformed,and the flower posture grows irregular, which affects the growth and loss of ornamental value.When the disease occurs severely, it causes early deciduo...