What's Mycorrhiza ?

Introduction of Mycorrhiza

Excessive dependence on chemical fertilizers can result in the destruction of a large number of beneficial microbial communities in the soil and a decrease in soil activity. To improve the current soil ecosystem with serious damage and improve soil fertility, it is imperative to supplement soil beneficial microorganisms. The application of microbial fertilizer is the most direct and effective method.

Symbiotic bacteria are fungi that need to grow with plants, but do not harm plants and they are beneficial to plant growth. The symbiotic bacteria can grow together with the roots of some plants to form a special symbiont-exogenous mycorrhiza, which exchanges substances with each other through the mycorrhiza. Therefore, people call it ectomycorrhizal fungi.

It is estimated that plants with mycorrhiza account for about 97% among the known flowering plants in the world. Among them, most arbor species form ectomycorrhizal fungi, accounting for about 3% of the total number of mycorrhizal plants.

According to preliminary statistics by Harley and Smith (1983), the species that can form ectomycorrhizal fungi include 43 families and 139 genera, mainly distributed in temperate and subtropical regions, followed by southern subtropical and tropical regions, while other regions are less. Around the roots of the plants, there are many free myceliums, which we call externalhyphae. In addition, sometimes the rhizomorphae or sclerotium formed by the mycorrhizal mycelium accumulation can be seen. 

More info of Mycorrhiza 



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