What's key problem about soil,Soil hardening/acidification?

In this article,We will know the essential problems in soil,all of them can not be neglected.Now let's go into these problems.

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Soil hardening  

Soil hardening means that soil structure is destroyed,the tillage layer is hardened,and the air permeability is poor.It seriously affect the normal growth of crop roots.

Main reason

The input of organic fertilizer is seriously insufficient: the content of organic matter in the soil is low and the structure is deteriorated, which affects the activity of microorganisms, thereby affecting the formation of soil aggregate structure and leading to soil hardening.Long-term excessive application of chemical fertilizers: It destroyed the soil structure, and soil organic matter could not be replenished in time,causing soil hardeningand cracking.Agricultural measures such as repression, plowing, and watering have resulted in damage to the upper soil aggregate structure.

Major harm

Root absorbing ability declines. In the case of soil hardening, lack of oxygen causes a decrease in root vigor, does not develop normally, and weakens the respiration, affecting the absorption of nutrients.Lead to nutrients deficiency symptoms. As root capacity declines, the ability to absorb water and fertilizers weakens,together with poor soil nutrient availability,lead to nutrients deficiency symptoms.

The imbalance of mineral nutrition ratio

Crop growth requires 17 kinds of essential nutrients.In daily management,only nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium fertilizers are emphasized,and trace elements are neglected.As a result, trace elements in the soil are depleted, and NPK are enriched. 

Main performance

With more and more fertilizer inputs, the yield and quality of fruits and vegetables have not been improved, but have shown a downward trend.

Major harm

Physiological nutrients deficiency symptoms. Such as calcium, magnesium, iron and so on.Poor growth of crops and reduction of quality of agricultural products.

Low organic matter content

Soil organic matter is an important part of the soil structure and an important indicator of soil fertility.

Main reason

At present, the number of crop replanting increases, excessive application of chemical fertilizers, and organic fertilizer application is seriously inadequate or the use of methods is unreasonable.

Major harm

The loss of soil orgarmnic matter is serious, the structure of the soil pellets is destroyed, the soil water conservation, fertilizer retention capacity, permeability and buffering performance are reduced, and the crop yield and economic benefits are seriously affected.

Thinner plough layer

Soil hardening means that the soil structure is destroyed,the tillage layer is hardened,and the air permeability is poor.Seriously affect the normal growth of crop roots.

Main performance

Due to the long-term use of rotary cultivators, most of the soil cultivating layer becomes shallow, and the effective living soil layer is only 15 to 20 cm.

Major harm

The formation of the “plough bottom” has hindered the circulation of soil moisture, nutrients, and air, hindered the extension of the roots of the crop, reduced the ability of the soil to store water, and drought resistance ability.



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